Spanish Rojo Seed Garlic

Native to sunny Spain and cultured from the semi bolting Creole variety of garlics. 

Our most requested culinary garlic.

For this season we will be able to supply a limited amount for seed with bulb sizing of 50mm or larger, containing 6 or more plantable cloves.

Planting.  We always plant ours in the middle of May in well draining, stable(black in colour) organic matter. This is one variety that does not like waterlogged heavy soil with excessive amounts of nitrogen. High nitrogen levels, especially in the spring, will cause what some onion growers call “bull necks”, thick stems with small bulbs.  Planting depth should be 50mm from the top of the clove to the surface of the soil and spacing of 150mm then covered with mulch such as well aged pine needles or ramial wood chips(                                                                       

Storage. This variety has now become our longest storing garlic, even out performing our Silverskin variety. Proper storage is important for all types of garlic. No direct sunlight, lots of fresh air and the coolest possible natural temperatures.  No refrigeration. We store all our garlic in an open faced, barn style shed.